11 Steps On How To Get A Girlfriend – The Five Rule Introduction

July 30th, 2019 · by mdudley · Uncategorized

how to get a girlfriend

Read more about how to make grilfriend here.

RULE 4: Get yourself actively involved with changing the outcome of your life.

Women often complain that men speak a lot about themselves on dates and don’t take a lot of interest in what they have to say. Don’t be one of those guys! Take an active interest in the conversation, even if she’s talking about her friends or work or something you wouldn’t usually particularly engage in.

This also reverts back to the previous point of being comfortable in your own skin – you don’t have to be the best looking, funniest man in the world but if you’re confident with who you are, you will instantly be ten times more attractive than a really good-looking shy man. While leading the single life is fun for a while, it can become tiring and often leaves singles wanting something more meaningful. If this applies to you and you’re actually seeking a significant relationship, here’s our 10 step guide of how to get a girlfriend.

For many of the men we coach, one of their main hindrances is, ironically enough… their eagerness to find a relationship. They obsess over their need to have a girlfriend, demonstrating clingy and needy behavior. And when they do meet girls they like, they usually scare them away because of this. Or the girl requests an exclusively sexual relationship without a chance for romance. Men who are struggling to understand how to attract women, or get their dating life “handled”… as well as experienced players too… they find it difficult to get a girlfriend, for different reasons.

Have high expectations. Having high expectations of people communicates to them that you are high status and not a pushover. This is incredibly attractive to women because it shows her you respect and love yourself. You are sure of yourself and adamant about getting what you want. Zoos are great because you never run out of conversation topics and things to do.

  • If you’ve found a girl you’re interested in pursuing, pursue her!
  • The step after meeting the people who are significant to her is going away for a long weekend together.
  • And you’ll be more appreciative of your partner that ever before.
  • You need to give the same impression to the women you meet on a night out and create intrigue by talking to everyone in the room.

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Honestly, women aren’t magical creatures that are incomprehensible to the average man. You just have to get over the nervousness most people feel about the opposite sex.

You can flirt with the idea of future meet-ups but don’t try to lock her down when you’re with her. Simply add the word “sometime” to keep it open ended. You really want to make her your girlfriend, so much so, in fact, that you start to get nervous and insecure around her. And you start to feel a little possessive. When you’re too available and text her back immediately every time it’ll make her think you have nothing else going on in your life.

The more dates you have, the better you’ll get at holding conversations with the opposite sex. Don’t try and be too direct or flirty. Just be a nice guy and get to know who you’re chatting to. These apps are incredibly popular for a reason.

Most of the time, if asking out a girl goes wrong, it’s because it was rushed, or happened too soon. By the time you tell the girl how you feel, it should already be obvious to the two of you that you like each other.

I was able to meet women, get their numbers, and sleep with them. But after doing that for a while, I realized it’s not what I really wanted. It was more about building up my ego and self-esteem by getting lots of validation from women. And that’s ok — that’s part of the process and it might be something you need to do just like I did. “When I was out once with a guy I was seeing named Mike, a random man was bothering my friend Lindsey. Mike stepped in and said, ‘Excuse me, sir, she doesn’t want you touching her or bothering her, so please leave her alone.’ I thought it was cute that he stood up not for me, but my friend. This guy was a lot bigger than Mike and was very drunk.” — MS, 26.

-When you’re chatting up a woman, make her laugh. Girls like people who have a good sense of humor, and the key to having a good sense of humor is to be lighthearted and unabashedly yourself. -Odds are you’ll find lots of women attractive, and the majority of them will have no interest in you.

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